Writing improves your relationship with yourself

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From 13:48 to 14:37 mark in this video Lana Blakely, a YouTuber from Sweden, talks about an idea similar to the title above.

She talks in the context of creating videos. I am writing here about the same idea in the context of writing.

Creating videos means sitting by yourself in front of the camera talking.

Writing an article like this means sitting by yourself in front of your laptop typing.

The more you write the better you get at writing. The more you create the better you get at creating. Like everything else, it is all about practicing. The quantity leads to the quality.

It inevitably gets better, in all aspects, the more you do it.

The reason why I am saying that writing improves your relationship with yourself is because of this:

Lana says that the more you feel connected with your audience the more you will be comfortable with yourself creating videos. (or in my case writing)

But what if there is no audience? Which is usually the case when you are starting out. Or in other words what if you are your own audience?

If creating more videos improves your relationship with your audience (when you have an audience) then while starting out if you are your own audience then it should improve your relationship with yourself right??

Forgive me but I think I might have written the stupidest line ever. I will admit even my own head is exploding reading that line.

But the idea behind it is simple. It is all just communication. Whether talking in front of the camera or writing. Whether talking to someone else or talking by yourself.

It gets our thoughts out of our mind. We become more aware of our own thoughts, feelings and emotions.

We are our thoughts to a great extent. If we get our thoughts outside by means of writing or speaking (or any form of creation for that matter) we get to see ourselves from outside like a different person from a different perspective.

And the more we write or talk the more we understand about ourselves.

The more we understand about ourselves the stronger our relationship gets with ourselves.

It is exactly like a relationship between two different persons. The more two persons talk, spend time the stronger their relationship gets. The better they understand each other. The less is the chance of conflict between them. They are at peace!

And if those two persons are one. You are at peace with yourself. As Master Shifu in Kung Fu Panda says:

You have found inner peace!!!

Writing or Journaling is such a magical thing!!!!

Day 2 completed.



  1. Yes… It’s so true that being a loner makes you do self-reflection; talk to your own self, analyse, criticize your own self and gets the better out of you…. No wonder why some people with the greatest minds of the world used to spend their time as loners or reserved persons…..

    1. I refer to this process as critical thinking. And writing is just me doing this critical thinking on paper. Thinking is difficult. Writing is comparatively easy.

      You are absolutely correct. The greatest thinkers of the past were often loners.

      Thanks for reading the article!

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